About Us

About Us
Somali Blue Economy (SoBe) Inc. is a socially responsible private company incorporated in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia. We offer exceptional services to our customers and support hundreds of artisanal fisheries who rely on our daily bulk purchase for their livelihood. To serve more regions in Somalia, we have strategically entered areas that are far from the coast, navigating through the challenges of transportation and storage in difficult conditions. Moreover, we have successfully started exporting our products internationally in 2023.
Somali Blue Economy (SoBe) Inc. is a leading company in the fishing industry that works with small-scale fisheries, artisanal fishing processors, and skilled workers who receive our training programs.
We have a full license to operate in all exclusive zones of Somalia’s waters, and we have the ability to outsource some of our operations to third parties, while maintaining strict quality control and compliance standards. Because Somalia's regulatory body is still developing, we often consult with other international private quality controllers for guidance. For instance, we can sublease fishery vessels under our license, for the sole purpose of catching tuna and tuna-like species beyond 24 nautical miles from our coastline. We also ensure that all of our subleases adhere to the regional Conservation Management Measures of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). However, we plan to start subleasing only after setting up an extra layer of monitoring by ourselves. We also collaborate with local artisanal fish processors to produce stockfish stews and use other small-scale techniques that suit our customers’ needs and preferences.
Somalia’s ecosystems have been adversely affected by extractive industrial foreign fisheries and climate change, among other factors. To prevent the collapse of our ecosystem and enable a sustainable regeneration of our fish population, it is crucial for the Somali people and government to take proactive measures. By diversifying fish products, reducing waste, raising community awareness, and fostering knowledge sharing among local communities, we can make a significant impact on our small fishery industry. These realities shape our core principles in our daily practices. For example, Somali Blue Economy Inc. offers complimentary training to enhance the shelf life of artisanal fisheries that supply our company. We also help them obtain equipment, rent them some tools, or let them borrow for a short time in some cases. Through this simple socially responsible initiative for example, we have directly improved the quality of our fish and influenced other consumers to prioritize quality when purchasing from our suppliers.
The region suffers from frequent droughts and food scarcity, which makes marine resources a valuable alternative for nutrition and livelihood. However, most Somalis rarely eat fish or consider it a luxury. The fish industry faces many obstacles, such as weak regulations, poor infrastructure, and lack of certification for local and global markets. These challenges prevent artisanal fisheries from enhancing food security and economic development. We aim to leverage the Somali people’s entrepreneurial spirit, attract Somali investors by shedding a light on the economic opportunities in this field creating together a more sustainable impact than foreign aid.